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Founder, David O'Leary on BNN Bloomberg discussing how investment fees are normally the biggest expense Canadians have that they do not know they are paying. Listen as David discusses how high those fees are and why you're unware of them.

2019.11.21 - Shay Steacy in the Globe & Mail - For one-person households, reducing risk is paramount

Investors who are single face additional financial challenges in comparison to couples or families. In order to help this growing demographic, financial advisors need to have a clear understanding of the risks they face and the creative solutions to overcome them. In this article, Shay discusses how singles can navigate some of the additional challenges they face when it comes to their finances.

2019.01.08 - David O'Leary in The Globe & Mail - These are the top things you should do in 2019 to reduce your stress about money

Nearly 1/3 of all Canadians feel very stressed about money either often or nearly all the time (according to a recent Angus Reid Institute investigation). Globe & Mail personal finance writer, Rob Carrick, lists his top money moves to reduce stress in 2019. Rob selected these tips as among the best from a long list of recommendations from financial professionals. The list features advice from our founder David O'Leary.

2019.01.07 - David O'Leary in The Globe & Mail - Is it time to put your investments in neutral?

Hedge funds hold themselves out as exclusive investment opportunities for the ultra wealthy that provide superior returns for their investors. But the lack of transparency attracts a wide array of unsavory characters to run them. In this article, David gives his views on a particular type of hedge fund called the Market Neutral hedge fund that is being made available to ordinary Canadians. David suggests investors steer clear of them due to their high fees and false promises.


2018.09.15 - David O'Leary in The Globe & Mail - Mutual fund fee review in disarray after Ontario’s unexpected opposition

David O'Leary quoted in response to Ontario government's announcement that it will pull the rug on planned regulatory changes that would have better-protected investors.


2018.09.14 - Shay Steacy in Golden Girl Finance - Will your financial plan pivot with you?

Shay Steacy quoted discussing the importance of updating your financial plan as live throws its inevitable curve balls at you. 

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."

Martin Luther King Jr